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Castleisland Desmonds Golf Society
1987 Captain John B. Pender
President Donal O’Connor

1988 Captain William Lyons
President Dermot Hanifin Snr

1989 Captain Tadgh McGillicuddy
President Donal Kelliher

1990 Captain Jim Ryan
President Eamon O’Connor Snr
1991/92 Captain Tom Stuart
President Dr. Dave Geaney
1992/93 Captain Joe Hartnett
President Gerald Walsh
1994 Captain Ned O’Callaghan
President Willie O’Connor
1995 Captain Paul Geaney
President Joe Geaney
1996 Captain David A. Geaney
President Donal Kelliher
1997 Captain Eamon P. O’Connor
President Joe Walsh
1998 Captain Paul McMahon
President Denis Brosnan
1999 Captain Philip Horan
President Michael O’Connor
2000 Captain Bobby O’Connell
President Michael Conroy
2001 Captain James O’Grady
President Micheál O’Donoghue

2002 Captain Martin O’Donoghue
President Lar Hickey
2003 Captain Willie Dom O’Connor
President Sean Brandon
2004 Captain Seamus O’Neill
President Aidan McGaley
2005 Captain Pat Sheehan
President Michael Joe O’Sullivan
2006 Captain John O’Donoghue
President Tom O’Leary
2007 Captain Patsy O’Donoghue
President Teddy McCarthy
2008 Captain Brendan Herbert
President Kyran Fleming
2009 Captain Martin Downey
President Denis O’Donovan
2010 Captain Con O’Connor
President Tom McCarthy
2011 Captain Denis Galvin
President Pat McMahon
2012 Captain Niall Greaney
President Seamus O’Brien
2013 Captain Tom McCarthy
President Kevin Hanifin
2014 Captain Jerome Hartnett
President Kevin Fitzgearld
Castleisland Desmonds Golf Society
Past Captains and Presidents

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